Bye Bye Baby
Well it's official Liam's not a baby anymore! He is officially a toddler today We had a very exciting day yesterday, with a little family party for him, cake, presents, balloons -- and more! We also ended up buying a new house! It's amazing, just what we have been looking for -- so now the fun begins of selling our house!
Coming next Monday at York Region Baby, a whole new batch of articles and information. We have added a section on cord blood banking, thanks to our great contributor Tricia. If you are pregnant or thinking about having a baby, have a read and do some research on cord blood banking for your baby.
In May we are also introducing, "Great Expectations - Stories about the Bump & Beyond!" . Read about Ali's experience, from visions of a natural birth, to emergency surgery. It is an amazing story! We invite you to contact us if you would like to write about your experience for June 2006.
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