The Mother of All...
The Mother of All Canadian Mothers and author Ann Douglas, needs our help to raise funds for a special little girl. Ann is donating 100 signed copies of her parenting and baby books, to help out Holly -- a baby with schizencephaly -- an extremely rare developmental disorder characterized by abnormal slits, or clefts, in the brain’s cerebral hemispheres.
We think it's a great idea for a baby shower... how cool would it be to not only give one of Ann's best-selling baby books, but to have it signed for the mom-to-be. And since Ann has done so much for Canadian moms, babies and families, we can do this little thing to support her!
You can choose from the following books and Ann will write a little note and sign to the book for you!! (THE MOTHER OF ALL PREGNANCY BOOKS, THE MOTHER OF ALL BABY BOOKS, THE MOTHER OF ALL TODDLER BOOKS, and THE MOTHER OF ALL PARENTING BOOKS)
The books retail for $26.99 Canadian (plus GST plus shipping). Ann will be donating the full cost of each book sold ($26.99) -- a possible total of $2699. If you are interested in ordering books, please email Ann's assistant Florence.
For those who are attending Babypalooza, you could win one of these books, signed by Ann, as we'll be purchasing one and giving it away to one lucky person. (you'll get to choose the book you want and what you'd like written in the book.
For more information check out Ann's Blog or Help for Holly.
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