Keeping Cool
I normally can handle the heat of summer, but being nearly 7 months pregnant, I've tuned into a bit of a complainer about this heat wave!
I'm sure many of you are just as cranky, hot and pregnant as me and here are some local places to cool off. (Please email us if you want to add somewhere!) All the Splash Pads are free to attend!
- Aurora Splash Pad - Open from 9am-9pm. Bring a folding chair, so you can watch your little one run around and get soaked! You may even want to run under yourself!
- (New) Mount Albert Splash Pad -- We haven't checked this one out yet, as it has just opened. But from what we can tell, it looks amazing. Please check times though, as the Splash Pad opens later & closes early during water bans.
- Richmond Hill Splash Pads -- Various Locations throughout, so check out the Town of Richmond Hill's site.
- Newmarket - Gorman Outdoor Pool - This pool is outdoor and has a special preschooler swim on most days. Please check the schedule for pricing and times.
Here are some other ways to keep cool...
- For toddlers get a bucket of water and some clean adult size paint brushes and have your toddler "paint" the bricks or use the water to clean their bikes. Toddlers love to feel useful and have mommy-daddy type 'jobs' to do.
- Ice Cube Time - Fill a plastic bowl with ice and have your toddler play with it. Watch it melt, smash it against the sidewalk --- make up a fun game with the ice, while learning science.
(Always ensure proper supervision with all activities, especially water activities!)
Labels: activities, splash pads, summer
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