Communication 101

So I have had a really fun week -- my computer totally broke down (still broken!), someone tried to break into my car and more...-- but, there has been some light at the end of the week!
My little sausage who is 13 1/2 months is communicating with me, not just waving hi and bye -- but signing words to me! We took a sign language class when he was 6 months old and we did practice with him etc etc . Around Christmas he signed "more", but nothing else and we became lazy again.
But I found my flash cards 2 weeks ago and started showing him a few signs again, "more", "eat", "diaper change" and one day at lunch this week I asked if he wanted more -- and he said "more". So, now he's unstoppable, shopping the other day he wanted "more" of everything on the shelves, and he wants "more" music and he wants "more" Grandad.... I've created a monster!
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