Just an update!!
Things are going well at York Region Baby, lots of readers online, great response from readers as well and we're really enjoying it. We are working hard to get July's articles and information ready, and you're going to be impressed!!
In the last e-Newsletter we sent out at the very bottom of the newsletter there was a sneaky little contest -- "The first person who forwards this email to 5 friends wins a $25 gift certificate to the Disney Store"! The winner was Erin Y, of Newmarket!! Congrats and happy shopping! Be on the lookout for more contests in future e-Newsletters.
Speaking of e-Newsletters, sign up to ours and be entered into win a great gift basket worth $45.99! Check out www.yorkregionbaby.com for more details.
Since it's World Cup month, thought I'd post a pic of my little baby Beckham...go England!!
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