Keep A Child Alive.Org on Oprah Today!

KCA Global Ambassador Alicia Keys will be on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" tomorrow-Friday, talking about KCA! Please, show your support and tune in.
Grammy-Winning artist, actress, philanthropist and humanitarian Alicia Keys will tell Oprah about her trip to Africa in April. She will be sharing pictures and videos from her trips to KCA clinics and programs. This trip changed Alicia's life. Tune in and it will change yours as well. See the faces of the children who benefit from your kindness, the doctors who work tirelessly to deliver medicine to the destitute ill and the communities struggling to cope with the devastation of AIDS. Learn how KCA is addressing these problems fueled by your kindness and generosity.
In addition, Alicia Keys and Bono will duet their beautiful rendition of, "Don't Give Up (Africa)". This song is a message to all the people in Africa who are waiting for life-saving ARVs, who have watched a daughter or father or uncle or sister die of AIDS, who are grandmothers raising orphaned grandchildren, who are dying alone in their homes. Alicia and Bono will pour their heart into this song. Show your support for these two humanitarians and the people infected and affected by AIDS in Africa by purchasing this song on Friday at
100% of the money from the song will benefit Keep a Child Alive.
The Oprah Winfrey Show. Friday October 13, 2006 (Check local listings for airtimes)
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