Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Product Review: Wiped! Life with a Pint-size Dictator by Rebecca Eckler

Product Name: Wiped! Life with a Pint-size Dictator by Rebecca Eckler

Product Rating: 4.5 Rubber Duckies (out of 5)

After her little bundle of joy, Rowan (aka The Dictator) arrives, Rebecca Eckler wonders when the promised “rewarding” part will kick in. She wasn’t supposed to trade in tight jeans for baggy sweatpants, or give up the dream of sound sleep and a passionate sex life. Yet, even in the throes of her exhaustion, Rebecca gleans and shares some sound advice for modern moms!

Review 1:

Wow is all I have to say! What a fantastic read. I've done this backwards, I admit that I haven't read "Knocked Up", but having read Wiped, I will certainly be reading "Knocked Up" sooner rather than later.

Rebecca Eckler writes a fluent, well paced book. It is set up as a journal which makes it easy to put down, a must for busy Moms! I found myself compelled to always pick it back up as soon as I could for a little read here and a little read there. It definitely was my fastest read in a while.

Eckler's honesty and "to the point" style allows the reader to really understand her life as a new Mom. she says it like it is and I do value that in a person. She doesn't hide the "crazy" thoughts she has or the embarrassing situations she goes through which certainly allows other Moms to identify with her. There are some jaw dropping moments along with some out loud laughing moments found throughout this book.

I highly recommend this book to any Mom who is looking for a light read about some light and some not-so-light topics regarding motherhood and life.

Review 2: I just finished reading a great book called “Wiped!: Life with a Pint-size Dictator” by Rebecca Eckler. The author takes us through her real life experiences raising her child from the newborn stage through to her daughter’s second birthday.

It is a great book that takes a refreshingly frank look at being a mom. It reassures us that it is ok to have bad days and not every moment with your child is a perfect one. I particularly liked her “10 mommy moments that people forget to tell you” at the beginning of each chapter. If found myself nodding and thinking “that is so true” every time.

This book is really an easy and enjoyable read that kept me turning the pages. I couldn't’t wait to see what Rebecca was going to experience with her daughter next. Having both a toddler and a newborn, I found that I could relate to so much in the book. There were parts that made me cringe and parts that had me laughing out loud. It is nice to read an honest account of what being a mom is really like.[Photo]
Review 3: I read Rebecca Eckler's first book, Knocked Up
Confessions of a Hip Mother-to-be, well.... when I was Knocked Up! It was Christmas 2004 and I remember it vividly, as six weeks earlier, I had suffered the unexpected death of my mother. I needed something, anything to pick me up and gobbled up the book over a weekend!

When I was sent a copy of Wiped! Life with a Pint-size Dictator, I was feeling, well... Wiped!!!!, as life with a pint-size dictator can do that to you!

I was happy that what I liked about Knocked Up, is the same thing that I like about Wiped! I love Eckler's frankness and honesty about life as a mom. From her struggle with postpartum depression and life as a new mom Eckler lets you into her world.

There were laugh out loud parts, and parts where I could picture myself doing the same thing as her! As she was trying on her pre-pregnancy jeans, I wanted to scream... "Don't do it!!!" As all new moms know as, Eckler points out ;Size matters: “I had made the mistake of trying on a pair of pre-pregnancy jeans, which I couldn't’t get up past my knees. It was the worst decision I have ever made.”

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