Tuesday, June 26, 2007

10 Things Every Parent Should Keep in their Car

How much time do you spend in your car? How much time do you spend in your car with your child? The answers to these questions would probably surprise you.

We spend a lot of time in our cars and it is important that we are prepared for different situations just the same as we are prepared in our home.

We came across Debra Holtzman's suggestions for 10 things that every parent should keep in their car.

Although this list is an excellent start, we do believe a few things should be added:
-diaper wipes (you never know when you will need a wipe)
-grocery bag (you never know when you will have an accident that requires cleanup and a bag)
-an activity bag (you never know when you are going to be stuck in traffic with a cranky, bored child!)


Thursday, June 21, 2007

La Leche League Canada - Newmarket Group Announces Outreach Program

La Leche League Canada - Newmarket Group Announces Outreach Program
Mondays from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm @ Newmarket Ontario Early Years Centre
Denise, La Leche League Canada Leader will be available for accurate, up-to-date and personalized breastfeeding information and support for women and their role as a breastfeeding parent.
No Fees and No Appointments
For More Information about La Leche League www.LLLC.ca
To encourage, promote and provide mother-to mother breastfeeding support and educational opportunities as an important contribution to the health of children, families and society.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Midnight Madness at Once Upon a Child - Newmarket

It's coming!! Tomorrow is the big day!!

Once Upon a Child in Newmarket is having their big Midnight Madness sale! Here is some info!

The Sale is on Friday June 15th from 10am - 10pm.

Customers can save up to 70% on clothing, books, and toys......and up to 30% off used strollers, swings and other equipment.

Our "NEW" products are also on sale throughout the day.

Oh, and even bette, there will also be giftbags given out throughout the night with some really cool prizes inside!
