Saturday Shopping: Tummy Time

We're starting a new feature on the blgo every Saturday about our favourite stores & products for maternity, baby & toddler products and services. Here goes....
Store: Online Maternity Store Tummy Time located in York Region
Sells: POSH Mom Diaper Bags, Bubble & Squeak Diaper Bags, Bug & Pickle Skin Care, Pregger's N Proud, Minnow Maternity and more.
Prices: For the month of August save up to 35% in Tummy Time's hus clearance
Coupon Code: York Region Baby Readers save the PST by entering YRBABY upon checkout
Shipping: FREE to Newmarket, Aurora & Oak Ridges and ONLY $5.00 Flat Rate in Canada
Labels: Diaper Bags, Maternity Clothes, Saturday Shopping
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